output gallery

OUTPUT is a cultural platform for all forms and genres of art. We strive to make art inclusive, accessible, and visible, for artists and the public. OUTPUT Gallery is an exhibition space for young upcoming artists.

The Gallery is a non-commercial and non-profit project. We do not focus on the level of skill or talent the artist has, or their educational background. There are no curation or aesthetical criteria in the choice of artists who exhibit here. We tolerate everything except intolerance, and aim to create a pathway for new and upcoming artists, giving them a gentle push, in form of exposure, experience and confidence. If you want to know about the next open call, you can sign up here.

Output gallery Loïc art

WHEN: 16/06/22

The exhibition is created by artist Loïc Luchini, founder of Polymetis Studio. 


Polymetis studio

Loïc Luchini. Annecy, France. 1995.

Bachelor Product & Interior Design in ESAD Reims, France 2018.
Master ‘Design for People’ as Industrial Designer in Kolding, Denmark 2021.

Polymetis studio works with traditional lacing techniques to create new types of products from recycled materials. They produce artistic installations and everyday objects from scaled-up knipling, using discarded wires, ropes, cables and other available resources. Polymetis Studio aims to preserve techniques and materials through innovation.

Let us know your name and e-mail, and we will make sure to reach out when it’s time for OUTPUT gallery’s next open call for artists.

Everyone is welcome to apply regardless of experience, education and artistic expression.

We can’t wait to hear from you!

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